I'm on Harlot!
The. Yarn. Harlot. Mentioned. Me. Today... on her blog. I am in number 4 of "10 unrelated points". But if you're here, it's likely that you already know that.
My site meter jumped about 700 today. I am beside myself, because the
YARN HARLOT read my comment and mentioned it to all of knitblogdom. Although, I guess I mention her all the time, eh?
Looking back through my sad little collection of knitterly commentary (that y'all are now peeking at), and since I'm the knitter who only manages to do about 5 vanilla rounds of sock per day, it doesn't surpise me that the mention was not for something brilliantly knitty. Of all things, it's for promising to "door" her if I saw her coming my way on a bike, in the name of
Lee Ann. Ah well, we must all be good at something...
Thanks for stopping in, and feel free to come on back to watch me accumulate stash and come up with excuses for not getting more knitting done. (it's a gift)
knitting by a lake...
Yahooooo!!!! I'm off for a few days. Vacation!!! (hands up all those who hear "all I ever wanted"). I'm heading to Muskoka for a little lakeside knitting and other assorted fun. So don't expect to hear from me, eh?! I'll be the one with the gin&tonic looking for my other dpn under the deck. I promise a progress report when I'm back. (maybe I'll even take a travelling sock photo a la
not to do with knitting
It's what everyone professes to strive for, yet it is completely underestimated when professed or discussed. Is it possible that two strangers could barely meet, and yet venture to love? That remains to be seen, but the way the mere prospect is practically scorned is disheartening. Have we really grown so cynical? Has real Love become the dark horse, the outside chance? Or worse, a myth -- nothing but a figment, a fabrication, like the unicorn, the leprechaun, or some other unknowable creature.
Instead of embracing the prospect, love is brushed away as insubstantial. Using derogatory terms like fluffy, sappy, some look upon love as trivial, silly, even ridiculous.
Well, I still choose to believe. There is love out there somewhere, for me even, and surely something so abstract and wonderful may develop in the most unique way. I am open to possibility. Am I alone here?
it has just come to my attention...
I've been doing some cleaning, tidying, re-organizing of my apartment. It has come to my attention that I have an awful lot of wool. I know, I went on a yarn diet a few weeks back, but that was to appease the budget committee. This is serious. There is a lot of wool here, in a not so large apartment. I am overwhelmed by the fact that I'm not sure I can ever possibly knit all this up. This is compounded by
my realization not so long ago that I am not a speedy knitter. There is a lot of freaking wool here people! And different categories of stash: stuff I bought to try but never got to, crappy stuff from when I didn't know any better, and then the really good stuff I don't yet feel worthy to knit.
And still... I got really excited yesterday when I randomly decided to knit a
clapotis out of silk garden to go with a pretty summer dress I recently picked up. I drove back and forth across town, trying to find the colorway I wanted, with no luck. Then I picked up the phone and called Brockville (Woolly Lamb),
Picton, and
Port Hope. No luck. I was halfway to the car to drive to Toronto for it, when the logic bell rang. $40 in gas to buy $70 of stuff I have bins full of? Okay, not that exact stuff, but... I stopped. I have a problem. And no shawl for my pretty dress.
I have to go lay down.
Canadian, eh!
Happy Canada Day, everyone!
I ALWAYS think people should read
Stephanie's blog, but especially
We're Canadian and we're proud. For some fun facts, go
In knitting news, I'm past the cuff and onto leg in my first ever sock, and the shrug sleeve is actually getting longer -- had to start on the last ball of yarn, so it must be almost done!